Anna is 14-year-old girl who always seems tired. In normal speech, she uses a lot of “…” and acts very withdrawn and slightly mature, and her only interests seeming to be games and singing. She is friends with Yuriko both online and in person, and games under the name “vivid_rabbit”. When she gets into her idol activities or changes into her idol outfit, she changes spectacularly. She ‘switches’ into a super-energetic, passionate idol who gives it every ounce of strength she has, often saying “bibi~” to fire herself and others up. She’s persistent and a hard worker. Her only real weakness is that she’s kind of a bad actress and can’t really do anything other than the “energetic type”. However, she actually forces her self to act like that. She’s still just the same shy girl on the inside and she works hard on researching how to act energetic, so that she can become as close as possible to her ideal of a great idol.