From the popular anime “March Comes in Like a Lion” comes a figure of the eldest of the three sisters that live in Sangatsu town, Akari Kawamoto! The figure is based on an original illustration by character designer Nobuhiro Sugiyama (SHAFT), and has been carefully supervised by the original author of the series, Chica Umino!
The cable knitting of her sweater has been captured with 3D sculptwork for an amazingly realistic appearance. The sculpt and paintwork of the figure has been carefully tuned to capture the atmosphere of the series as faithfully as possible, with Akari posed as if gently chatting with Rei Kiriyama on the way home from shopping. Be sure to add her to your collection!
Painted 1/7th scale ABS&PVC product with stand included. Approximately 220mm in height.
Item Code : G94062
March Comes in Like a Lion
© 羽海野チカ・白泉社/「3月のライオン」アニメ製作委員会