From the anime series “Fate/Apocrypha” comes a Nendoroid Doll of the Red Faction servant Saber of “Red” in her casual outfit! Nendoroid Dolls feature the same Nendoroid heads, but an alternate doll-like body that is highly articulated and can easily be dressed-up into different outfits while still remaining a palm-sized action figure! Be sure to add Saber of “”Red”” in her faithfully recreated outfit to your collection!
*Skin tone of this Nendoroid Doll is a special color to match that of the original character.
Set Contents:
Hot Pants
High-Cut Boots (with Magnets in Soles)
Interchangeable Hand Parts (Closed Hands (Left/Right) / Peace Sign Hands (Left/Right))
Magnetic Base (For Magnetic Soled Shoes)
Articulated Stand