he third installment in abec’s popular series, after “Hotori Yoshii” and “Suzuki Margit”,
is a figure representing the forbidden sapphic love between chairwoman Munetoku Ichimanda and secretary Tokuno Senzaki.
The slender Munetoku Ichimanda is the “active” overhanging chairwoman.
A character that lets her position speak for her, with a sadistic, devilish, exciting smile.
By combining her with “Tokuno Senzaki”,
you can enjoy the sapphic love world created by their contrasting atmospheres and body types.
Enjoy the two’s intertwining.
This product can also be reserved as a two piece set including both “Munetoku Ichimanda” and “Tokuno Senzaki”.
Please make sure that there is no mistake in whether you want to purchase a single piece or the set.
■Purchase the “Munetoku Ichimanda and Tokuno Senzaki two piece set” here.
■Purchase “Tokuno Senzaki” as a single piece here.