From the anime series “POP TEAM EPIC” comes a fully articulated MODEROID plastic model of Super Pipimi BARI Mode! The model’s BARI sculpt and articulation allows you to recreate all kinds of BARI poses. Both a standard and forced-perspective version of the great sword Lord of Calamity are included, along with the Valiant Cannon and missile pods. A face part with mask partially removed is also included.
It started off as a silly concept, but make no mistake, this has become a truly high-quality, full-spec plastic model kit! The plastic model is primarily made of PS&ABS plastic, and features five colors of runners (white, red, yellow, blue and gray) and stickers, making it easy to totally recreate the mecha with a simple assembly! The kit also includes a “Sushi Popuko” figure!
*Sushi Popuko comes with the kit unpainted. Eye decals are included.
Updated Release Date: 2021-07